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Author Archives: Joseph

Podcast Season 1, Episode 11: Steamboats

Posted by Joseph on May 03, 2023

In her memoirs, Laura Locoul Gore writes, "I would often stand on the front gallery facing the river, watching the big steamboats or packets pass by, imagining what fun and excitement it would be if an accident could happen to one of them (nothing serious, of course) in front of our place that we might go to the rescue of the passengers aboard and bring them home. Now, being an old and experienced housekeeper, I would worry to the think where the food would come from to care for them."

In this episode of the Laura Plantation podcast, "Real People, Real History," Katy and Joseph talk about steamboats and the importance of river commerce to the plantation and they also discuss the tragedy of the steamboat "Meteor," described in this article from 1853 and which provides a vivid glimpse into how the Habitation Duparc-Locoul and their neighbors responded to the explosion. 


Podcast Season 1, Episode 10: The de Lobel-Mahy Notebook

Posted by Joseph on April 03, 2023

In this episode, Katy and Joseph chat about "the de Lobel-Mahy notebook," the challenges of working with damaged historic documents, and talk about  how these small excerpts from private correspondence can provide deep insights into family life in Louisiana and France, as well as the social and political climate of the time period. 

As promised, we've included images of the pages below so our listeners can see condition of the document. Translations into English follow. 

Excerpt 1 

Mr le Baron de Meynard                        
Octobre 12, 1876

I thank him for the kind welcome he gave Raymond and congratulate him for his skillful management of la Thuilerie. The lease that he negotiated with Rensard (sp?) replacing Breuillé appears advantageous for me. We still hope to travel to Bourgogne to show him our appreciation. After assuring him of several details about the social disorder that reigns in Louisiana, I share with him our present hope of a coming change in favour of the Democrats [then the conservative, segregationist party in Louisiana].

I agree with Raymond's decision to acquiesce to Mr Meynard's insistence that he remain longer at Feÿ than he initially thought he would, since he had the great pleasure to be among friends who have retained the same feelings for us. I request that he communicate my respectful compliments to Mme de Meynard and our fondest memories to Mesdemoiselles Jeanne and France and send him friendly greetings.


Excerpt 2

Mr R.H. de Lobel-Mahy                
October 15, 1876

I urge him to write to us every 15 days and urge him to not spare any details in his letters. I ask him for a directory of the school of the Jesuit Reverend Fathers. News of the elections in the States of Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and Colorado, in the case of the last three States are favorable to us and give us the hope to elect Tilden and Hendricks, etc. etc.



Balado Saison 1, Épisode 10 : Résumé en français

Posted by Joseph on April 03, 2023


Dans ce premier résumé du podcast en français, Joseph revient sur sa conversation avec Katy dans laquelle ils évoquèrent ce que nous appelons “le cahier de Lobel-Mahy.” 

Il s’agit effectivement d’un cahier de correspondance — une boîte d’envoi en quelque sorte – écrit à la main en français par Ivan de Lobel-Mahy, l’oncle par mariage de Laura. Dans ce cahier, de Lobel-Mahy inscrit les destinataires, les dates et le contenu des lettres envoyées à ses différents amis, relations, et connaissances.

Les deux petits extraits, dont vous pourrez voir les images et les transcriptions ci-dessous, nous servent de fenêtre sur toutes sortes de détails sur la vie familiale, sociale et politique du mois d’octobre 1876. 


Mr le Baron de Meynard       12 Octobre 1876

Je le remercie de l'aimable accueil qu'il a fait à Raymond et le félicite de son habile gestion de la Thuilerie. Le bail qu'il a passé avec Rensard (?) qui remplace Breuillé me parait avantageux pour moi. Nous conservons l'espoir d'aller lui témoigner notre reconnaissance en Bourgogne. Après lui avoir assuré quelques détails sur le désordre social qui règne en Louisiane, je lui fais part de l'espoir que nous avons actuellement d'un prochain changement en faveur des démocrates.

J'approuve Raymond d'avoir cédé aux instances de Mr de Meynard et d'être resté au Feÿ plus longtemps qu'il ne le pensait d'abord, puisqu'il a eu le plus grand plaisir à se trouver au milieu d'amis qui ont conservé pour nous la même sympathie.

Je le prie de présenter mes hommages respectueux à Mme de Meynard et nos meilleurs souvenirs à Melles Jeanne et France et l'assure de mon témoignage bien affectueux.



Mr R.H. de Lobel-Mahy                   15 October 1876

Je lui dis de nous écrire tous les quinze jours et l'engage à ne pas affranchir ses lettres. Je lui demande un annuaire du collège des R. P. Jésuites. Nouvelles des élections de l'Etat de l'Ohio, l'Indiana, l'Ouest Virginie et le Colorado qui pour ces trois derniers Etats nous sont favorables et nous donnent l'espoir de l'élire Tilden et Hendricks, etc. etc.




Podcast Season 1, Episode 9: The Locouls' French Quarter Mansion & Creole Life in New Orleans

Posted by Joseph on March 29, 2023

In this episode, we compare and contrast the lives of Creoles on the plantation in the countryside and in their French Quarter mansions in New Orleans. We talk about the Locouls' Toulouse Street mansion, its significance as a status symbol, and some of the experiences Laura would have had in her grandmother's home. We also explore the impact of the Civil War, the diversity of the neighborhood, and the illegal activities surrounding the home.

Podcast Season 1, Episode 8: Clarisse Peterson, Hospital Keeper, and Clarisse Wilson, Community Leader

Posted by Joseph on March 22, 2023

Sand Marmillion, Director and Curator of Laura Plantation, joins us to share the stories of two very significant enslaved women who lived and worked at Laura Plantation. Clarisse Peterson, an American slave who arrived on the plantation in adulthood and was in charge of tending to the sick and injured in the plantation hospital, and Clarisse Wilson, a Creole, born into slavery at Laura Plantation, who was involved in the founding of the Baptist Church, took in orphans, and acted as a mother figure in the community. We also touch upon the lives of their husbands, one of whom they shared (not simultaneously)! We compare and contrast their lives, note the changes that took place after the Civil War, and learn about one of their descendants, Freddie Keppard, a famous New Orleans jazz pioneer.

#lauraplantation #womenshistory #womenshistorymonth #jazzhistory #jazz